A Chajchir, I Benzaquén, A Arellano. Surgical treatment of baldness. Med. ILA. Vol. XIV 1986. Pags. 125-132.
A Chajchir, I Benzaquén y A Arellano. Comparative Study of Lipoinjection with other methods. Med. Cut ILA. Vol. XVI / 1988. Pags. 489-496.
A Chajchir, I Benzaquén, A Arellano, N Spagnuolo. Fat Graft and Rhytidectomy. Plastic Surgery Ibero Latinoamericana. Vol. XIV No. 4. October, 1988.
F Arellano O, A Arellano H y C León Valle. Surgical treatment of Mycetoma located on the face. Med. ILA. Vol. XVII / Pags. 9-12 1989.
A Chajchir, Benzaquén, A Arellano.A New Scalp Flap for Baldness. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 15; 271-278. 1991.
A Chajchir, I Benzaquén, A Arellano. A New Scalp Flap for Baldness. Year Book of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Pags. 177-179.1993.
A Arellano. Chemical peeling and Dermabrasion. Book of Dermatology Cultural Scientific Editorial. P. 209-213. 1995.
A Arellano. Skin tumors (Surgical Treatment). Book of Dermatology Cultural Scientific Editorial. P. 214-223. 1995.
A Arellano, I Ramírez, J C Zaragoza. Anesthetic-surgical considerations for liposuction. Anesthesia in Mexico. Vol. 8; 136-140. 1996.
A Arellano-H, F.Arellano-O, E Fernandez de Lara.CO2 laser skin resurfacing and facelift in the same surgical procedure. XXXI WORLD CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLEEGE OF SURGEONS. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Abstract. 229- 232. 1998.
A Arellano-H, F Arellano-O, E Fernandez de Lara.CO2 laser skin resurfacing and facelift in the same surgical procedure. 9th International Symposium on Cosmetic Laser Surgery. Las Vegas U.S.A. Abstract. 2000.
Arístides Arellano H. CO2 laser skin resurfacing and facelift in the same surgical procedure. Journal Cutaneous Laser Therapy. p. 104 Vol 2. June 2000.
ArístidesArellano H. . CO2 laser skin resurfacing and facelift: what are the issues. Journal Cutaneous Laser Therapy. p. 201 Vol 3. December 2001.
ArístidesArellano H, Lidia Ríos. Treatment of leg veins with laser and pulsed light. Cosmetic, Medical and Surgical Dermatology. Vol 3 – Num 2. April-June 2005
Books Published:
Collaboration in the book Dermatology for the student. Author Dr. Francisco Arellano Ocampo. Editorial Medical Scientific 1995