Chin Increase
The lack of a chin according to the profile of a person causes an unfavorable impression. This defect is solved with the implantation of a silicone prosthesis that is placed through a small incision in the oral mucosa, leaving no visible scars, managing to correct the profile and oval of the face.
On the contrary, the excess of chin is corrected reducing it until obtaining the suitable profile.
Mentoplasty is one of the most practiced and most satisfying techniques in facial plastic surgery. By increasing the size of the chin the face acquires the necessary balance to achieve a harmonious and more youthful appearance.
A very small chin can be corrected through a single outpatient procedure or at the same time with other interventions such as the nose. This surgery is advanced by placing a small implant through an intraoral incision (inside the mouth), or in the neck below the chin where it is adequately camouflaged.
It should be taken into account that the results can be seen immediately, however as the inflammation decreases, the final result will be seen, which can be approximately 3 to 5 months. Your appearance will improve as time goes by and the final result will be satisfying and aiming, either reducing or increasing the chin, giving you a new face and a different profile that you always wanted.